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Family: Debian Local Security Checks --> Category: infos

[DSA396] DSA-396-1 thttpd Vulnerability Scan

Vulnerability Scan Summary
DSA-396-1 thttpd

Detailed Explanation for this Vulnerability Test

Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in thttpd, a tiny HTTP
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the
following vulnerabilities:
Marcus Breiing discovered that if thttpd it is used for virtual
hosting, and a possible hacker supplies a specially crafted &ldquo

header with a pathname instead of a hostname, thttpd will reveal
information about the host system. Hence, a possible hacker can browse
the entire disk.
Joel Söderberg and Christer Öberg discovered a remote overflow which
allows a possible hacker to partially overwrite the EBP register and
hence execute arbitrary code.
For the stable distribution (woody) these problems have been fixed in
version 2.21b-11.2.
For the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in
version 2.23beta1-2.3.
We recommend that you upgrade your thttpd package immediately.

Solution :
Threat Level: High

Click HERE for more information and discussions on this network vulnerability scan.


P.O. Box 827051

Pembroke Pines, FL 33082-7051

Vulnerability Scanning Solutions, LLC.